
November 17, 2016

2016 Review of SmartVault

A great solution for firms using QuickBooks, SmartVault offers both bi-direction portal capability as well as complete document storage capability. A QuickBooks plug-in is available that allows users to scan a document into the system and sync the ...

Mary Girsch-Bock

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Mary Girsch-Bock

Mary Girsch-Bock

Contributing Writer

Mary grew up in Chicago, graduating from the University of Illinois-Chicago. She began her career as accountant and later made the switch to writing full time, concentrating on business and technology, with a focus on small business. A former QuickBooks beta tester, Mary’s work has appeared in The Motley Fool, The Blueprint, and Property  She currently writes a monthly accounting and technology-related blog for PLANERGY, and ghostwrites several blogs for various software companies.